UPDATE UPDATE 20 06 2008
Dear People,
The full Printeretto website is temporarily offline.
In the meantime this Newsflash will be where it's at...
What happened is that whilst transferring the domain name to a new host I misread an email, missed a deadline and Printerette on the worldwideweb went into Redemption.
To get out of Redemption you have to pay £50 OR you wait til the Redemption falls like snow, which takes a month
Apologies for the inconvenience!
BUT let's not dwell on the ridiculousness of Redemption...
If you need to contact me you can reach me on printerette (at) gmail (dot) com
And here the programme for the next while...
Currently working on the website for the wonderful theatre company *** Bagatelle No. 5 *** (based in Berlin)....The site should be up and running late July. More details here later ***
** Solo Show - PULLIN POSES - coming up, see below for fuller details ***
*************** The Drawin Workshop is in full swing by now. See below for various upcoming dates or else visit http://www.drawing-workshop.net
************************** I have been invited to participate in the Text Workshop at the HIAP in Helsinki. This will take place Mid-August and Early-September. I don't have many more details just now, but we will be working towards making a publication as a group. I am very excited about the workshop and can't wait to go back to Finland, land of a hundredthousand lakes and the one 'n only Tove Jansson (yes, I know she died, but her spirit lives on....)
+Saturday 21st - Drawing Workshop - Zine Making Sessions Pt. 1
Location: Raumerweiterungshalle / Werbellinstr. 50 / Ex Kindl Brauerei / Berlin
U8 Boddinstr / U7 Rathaus Neu Koelln
From 14:00 til sunset
All welcome!

++Friday 27. Juni --- Presenting: PULLIN POSES --- 8pm
Annette Knol
Boddinstr. 4

Showing recent work made during the time I have been in this Studio (since March) Unfortunately I have to leave here now, but first let's celebrate...
+++Wednesday 2nd July - Drawing Workshop - Zine Making Sessions Pt. 2
Location: Koehorst in't Veld / 1e Middellandstraat 103 / 3021 BD / Rotterdam / NL
10 minutes from Rotterdam CS
From 14:00 til sunset
All welcome
UPDATE UPDATE 07 05 2008
Eine Workshopreihe zum experimentieren mit kollektiven Gestaltungspraktiken.
1. Termin: Kollektives Zeichnen - Samstag 10. Mai - 14Uhr (bis dunkel)
Naechste Veranstaltung: Sonntag 25. Mai - 14Uhr
A series of workshops to experiment with collective methods of making.
1st Date: Collective Drawing - Saturday 10th of May - 14:00 onwards (til dark)
Next event: Sunday 25th of May - 14:00
Werbellinstr. 50 (ex-Kindl Brauerei Gelaende)
UBhn Boddinstr (U8)/Rathaus Neu Koelln (U7)

+Looking for new work! Do you have any ideas or suggestions, then let me know.
I'm available for employment.........................................
++New Portfolio ready, if you would like a copy sent to you, then send me an email.
+++Kiss the Demon... Wanna get kissed?
Look out for this great opportunity in the next few weeks.
See http://www.kiss-the-demon.com ++++Comfort Blankets Come and Get Yours!
+++++New Website for the Drawing Workshop.
(it will be up and running in the next weeks)
+++++ANONYME ZEICHNER N#8 / 4.- 6. April 2008 / Eröffnung: 3. April 2008, ab 19 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten: 13-20 Uhr / Finissage: Sonntag 6. April, ab 18 Uhr
Christinenstrasse 18 - 19
Haus 5 / Pfefferberg
10119 Berlin
So by now Ilana n me are working on the final steps of putting the CC ( see below for details) publication together. We will be able to show what came out of our intense-talking-sometimes-making soon. CC is now in its final stages - at least in this location, in this way - at the Camden Arts Centre.
Saturday 25th August is the closing event as well as the launch of the publication/notebook.
+ That aside I'm working on the artwork for the Les Cox (Sportifs) - LCS - - dont you know them ---- Neverheed CD release. To hear n maybe see what they sound like go to http://www.myspace.com/lescoxsportifs .....
++ Seedstudio website coming upppppp very slowly. Put together by Tom: http://www.europeananimal.co.uk
+++ Should you be in Berlin then feel free to join the workshop/discussion;
"QQueering Spaces. Tracing Stories at Ladyfest" as part of Ladyfest.
Freitag 3. August 11:00-14:00
Ritterstr. 12-14
Click flyerimage for direct linking to the LF-Berlin..

Tomorrow I leave for London for a 2 week working-break. First I have some time to explore the L-N-D-N which I never really did before and then I meet with Ilana Mitchell in the Camden Communality at Camden Arts Centre where she is doing a residency. You can come and join us on Saturday 30th June if you like.
Check http://camdencommunality.co.uk for further detailing. There will be a drawing workshop as well as various garden orientated affaires and discussions.
The New year Tapes Tape Exchange is now officially re-starting............ Check Other for more info or email direct at newyeartapes@gmail.com......
What else, probably there is lots to say, but for now this is all.
The Flipbooks we made at the Raumerweiterungshalle last year August ('06) are still on Tour I just heard. First they were at the Reg Vardy, Sunderland, then Philadelphia, New York and now somewhere in Canada. I actually don't have the full details, sorry, but they were really great.
21/06...... today it's officially Summer. mm